Here's a blog for teachers to share experience, stories being a teacher, as a way to release your feelings , tension or whatever... other than that we can share,motivation and so on.... ShaRinG IS CARING :)
Sunday, December 28, 2008
selamat tahun baru...maal Hijrah
bila baca blog kawan2...alhamdulillah rasa gembira jgk...byk idea yg boleh dibuat utk isis hidup ni ye...oh lupa tajuk kali ini adalah tahun baru
esok..isnin, 29 Disember kita akan menyambut Maal Hijrah...wah..dah tahun baru rupa2nya...sbnrnya kalau tahun hijrah ni xrasa sgt nak masuk tahun baru Islam...tapi kalau 31 Disember tu ingatla pulak..ish3...
Tahun baru, semestinya kita mesti flashback apa yg kita dah capai utk thn lepas...dan plan azam baru utk tahun baru ni...erm..jom kita kongsi apa plan kita utk tahun dpn yer....
kalau saya :
1-bila dah start keje ni..mcmn nak plan duit gaji??
2- cari takaful mana nak sertai (ada idea x?)
3- nak jahit baju kurung sendiri,umi dan syazni...(huhuhu)
4- jd cikgu yg tegas!!...
4- nak jadi org yg lebih sabar...dan xcepat melenting...bertenang dulu..pikir baru cakap.
5- positifkan semua benda
apa lg nak buat ek...xda idea la....biasanya saya ni jenis management by "terlintas"...eheheh
ok cau..
Thursday, December 18, 2008
cikgu..o cikgu..cuti dah nak habis!!!
mmg sblm cuti cikgu panitia ada bgtau kena ajar kimia n sains..mana lah tau berubah kan...uwa..hajatnya cuti ni nak buat lesson planning..,nak cari short stories utk budak2..yelah nak tarik minat mereka utk suka kat kita...sblm kita ajar paper...mmg kena suruh dia suka kat kita...baru diaorg masuk kelas..bukannya apa..kelas yg den ajar nanti adalah pelajar kelas sains yg mendapat C an D masa PMR dlm sc and mate....ha...cuba pikir...
masa den g kursus aritu...ada sorang akak ni ckp..budak2 yg kita ajar tu...semuanya yg nak lari dr kena pandai tackle la..pandai ke aku..dahla aku ni jenis skema
huhu...cuti ni sibuk blajar menjahit..mana satu ni izzati nak blajar sampai baju kurung 2 pasang..then nak blah dah..blajar bj kurung jela....huhuhu
Ya Allah....please help me....
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Eidul Adha
Korban ialah penyembelihan haiwan tertentu pada tanggal 10, 11, 12 dan 13 Zulhijjah dengan maksud untuk mendekatkan diri kepada Allah. Perintah berkorban telah disyariatkan oleh Allah kepada kita pada tahun ke 2 hijrah bersamaan dengan perintah solat Eidul Adha dan zakat.
Firman Allah swt yang bermaksud:
"Maka solatlah kamu untuk Tuhanmu dan menyembelihlah."
2. Menurut pendapat yang masyhur, maksud solat pada ayat itu ialah solat Eidul Adha dan yang dimaksudkan dengan menyembelih ialah berkorban.
Ibnu Jarir mentafsirkan ayat tersebut sebagai berikut:
"Jadikanlah solatmu ikhlas hanya untuk Allah sahaja dengan sama sekali tidak mengharapkan kepada selain daripada-Nya. Demikian juga korban yang kamu tunaikan, niatkanlah hanya untuk Allah, tidak untuk berhala, sebagai kesyukuran terhadap apa yang dianugerahkan Allah kepadamu yang tidak terhingga banyaknya."
Nabi s.a.w juga telah bersabda yang bermaksud:
"Tidak ada suatu amalan yang paling dicintai oleh Allah daripada Bani Adam ketika hari raya Eidul Adha selain menyembelih haiwan korban. Sesungguhnya haiwan itu akan datang pada hari kiamat (sebagai saksi ) dengan tanduk, bulu dan kukunya. Dan sesungguhnya darah haiwan korban telah terletak di suatu tempat di sisi Allah sebelum mengalir di tanah. Kerana itu, bahagiakan dirimu dengannya." (Riwayat Tirmizi, Ibnu Majah dan Hakim), November 27, 2008
nak maju , sedia dikritik
the motive is to upgrade the teacher skills in teaching the students who were got only C and D to be in sc stream class....can you hard the sc stream subjects to be understood by this kind of students...but, i really confident if we know how to catch their attention, they also can go through it....
During the course,the teachers who presented will be commented by the other teachers and also the moderator...
For the first time....i was very2 scared because i really very difiicult to accept comments...
But, our moderator, En zul from pahang always gave us support....if we ready to be minded..we can go far to upgrade ourselves....
So...teachers!! if there is a chance to present...go up!!..and please do like to go to any course especially for the new teachers.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
smk chiku 2, gua musang
now i am in warden house,SMK CHIKU 2, GUA MUSANG. my dear hubby borrowed me his 3G for a while so that i am not bored at new place..
SMK CHIKU 2...not as my thought....the school is big....staff room is fully air cond..(uwa....better than STAR Klang)....the distance here from house is about 90,i will go back to my husband once a week...
my feeling being here for the first time was...what i can told here..i cried along the way to come hubby was driving. so he did not notice me as i myself just want to release my feeling.
because i was posting alone friends to discuss our assignment 4 weeks to be here...i told brave!!..
then i sms my parent separately..told my feeling..
what my father said : sabar! look forward.
my mother : xperlu sedih, seharusnya kena berbangga kerana dah dapat jd guru, ada peluang lain kali, kita mohon tukar. teruskan berdoa.
luckily..that time was still my hubby did not notice me...(malu ar) be continued
Saturday, November 1, 2008
belajar menjahit
...long time ago..i intend to join sewing class...coz i felt not confident because i am not kind of
but now, alhamdulillah... today is my first day i join the class.....i got full support from my dear hubby, mother in law and my friend, Nadzifah(she now success to sew her own baju kurung) i will posting to school afetr this..i think if we have knowledge, it will give us benefit if not now, maybe in future.....right??
more than that...i fell that as a teacher..maybe we have a lot of times to do other job..not as our main job....just side job... all friends,i encourage u to also learn sewing....who are in KB....let join me to the sewing class...!!
Friday, October 31, 2008
hari terakhir...
hari last, iaitu semalam..khamis,31 Oktober 2008...satu majlis perpisahan diadakan...isk2...terharu aku n mc nad....terima kasih semuanya...atas segala tunjuk ajar yang diberikan...dari x pandai guna mesin fotostat sehingga pandai...:)...
dan terima kasih kerana memberi aku peluang untuk merasai suasana tarbiah islamiah dan aku harap aku dapat mempraktikkan nya nanti di sekolah baru...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
released...begitukah wanita?
iyer....ntah kenapa sebabnya...kekadang air mata ini murah benar untuk tumpah...dan alhamdulillah,lepas nangis je...i felt released!!....yes..kdg2 sesuatu masalah itu x terungkap, tidak dapat diselesaikan...dan adakalanya kita tahan diri kita dari mengungkapkan sesuatu semata-mata nak jaga hati org yg kit sayang....jd menangislah jwpnnya....
menangislah..asal esok pagi bangun...semuanya beres..
start a new day...forgot the past.....we are not live alone, but with other peoples that need tough!!..teacher, be strong !!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Budak sekolah rendah...
at the first time took charged the classes....i felt very frustrated....cause i cannot control them...they were running at the back...some were knocking the tables...chatting each other and so on...fuh.....
then...2nd time ,i brought ROTAN....huhuhu...thanks GOD i have a loud voice...(now i'm having cough)..uhuk uhuk..i threated them...if they cannot answer my questions at the whiteboard...i will ROTAN!!!, pls listen carefully....alhamdulillah....they listen carefully....BUT!!!
i have problems to deliver the lesson when ...they kept asking me how to do this and that.....i felt weird how they cannot understand voice already loud enough...
then...i refer to the senior teacher, i told her the way i taught.....then she complainted to me....." you are now teaching kids....not secondary ways of teaching are different...
this kids need explainations with examples in front of actions or drawing....
Then..i practised what the teacher told's true....along the time...about 5 times i taught again and again and made examples at the whiteboard....i called any student who did not pay attention to come out and do the exercise in front.....very tired....but we will feel very satisfied when they understand what we've taught them...
the moral of the story.......we as a teacher must need energy!! ENERGY !!...and a good imunisation system......huhuhu....till cough does not release yet....
if we are not strong....we cannot handle the class to the fullest... AND
if we are not have a good imunisation system, if we get's very hard for us to recover ...and if we are sick, how about the children???....who are going to teach them????.....
Saturday, October 18, 2008
2 months until now, being a teacher in primary school truly give me a lot of experiences...everyday i face different challenges and's not easy to be a teacher....although i took an education course in UM, i still need guidance to solve the problems faced...alhamdulillah...all teachers in my school always give me support and guidance when i asked them...
Along this way...after classes...i go to teachers' room and straightly story to my friends what i have done in class...because i felt so stress and failed to control the class....YEAR 1, YEAR 2 and YEAR's my new experience because i have to teach children that i not used to it....
i always felt sad ....i felt my blood pressure increased!!...i touch my chest....dup dap dup dap....because in class i have to shout to control the class....i pinched the students who did not pay attention and what so ever....huhuhu...
But after sharing with my friends....i felt,that's why i hope all the teachers out there can also share ur experience release your tensions or maybe can share good tips in controlling class and whatever needed..ok!!