Friday, October 31, 2008

hari terakhir...

huhuhu....sedihnya untuk meninggalkan sekolah rendah agama Al-Hilal.....walaupun hanya 2 bulan genap di sana...ia cukup memberikan aku satu pengalaman kerja yang amat bermakna...sebagai seorang guru...

hari last, iaitu semalam..khamis,31 Oktober 2008...satu majlis perpisahan diadakan...isk2...terharu aku n mc nad....terima kasih semuanya...atas segala tunjuk ajar yang diberikan...dari x pandai guna mesin fotostat sehingga pandai...:)...

dan terima kasih kerana memberi aku peluang untuk merasai suasana tarbiah islamiah dan aku harap aku dapat mempraktikkan nya nanti di sekolah baru...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

released...begitukah wanita?

kekadang jiwa ini seringkali terusik....sgt mudah terusik,walau tiada nyata wanita?....sgt jauh dari mukminah2 di zaman Rasulullah...kenapa yer...faktor pemakanan kot...huhuhu

iyer....ntah kenapa sebabnya...kekadang air mata ini murah benar untuk tumpah...dan alhamdulillah,lepas nangis je...i felt released!!....yes..kdg2 sesuatu masalah itu x terungkap, tidak dapat diselesaikan...dan adakalanya kita tahan diri kita dari mengungkapkan sesuatu semata-mata nak jaga hati org yg kit sayang....jd menangislah jwpnnya....

menangislah..asal esok pagi bangun...semuanya beres..

start a new day...forgot the past.....we are not live alone, but with other peoples that need tough!!..teacher, be strong !!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Budak sekolah rendah...

baru aku tahu...beginilah telatah atau gelagat pelajar2 sekolah rendah...especially tahun 1, dan 2....

at the first time took charged the classes....i felt very frustrated....cause i cannot control them...they were running at the back...some were knocking the tables...chatting each other and so on...fuh.....

then...2nd time ,i brought ROTAN....huhuhu...thanks GOD i have a loud voice...(now i'm having cough)..uhuk uhuk..i threated them...if they cannot answer my questions at the whiteboard...i will ROTAN!!!, pls listen carefully....alhamdulillah....they listen carefully....BUT!!!

i have problems to deliver the lesson when ...they kept asking me how to do this and that.....i felt weird how they cannot understand voice already loud enough...

then...i refer to the senior teacher, i told her the way i taught.....then she complainted to me....." you are now teaching kids....not secondary ways of teaching are different...
this kids need explainations with examples in front of actions or drawing....

Then..i practised what the teacher told's true....along the time...about 5 times i taught again and again and made examples at the whiteboard....i called any student who did not pay attention to come out and do the exercise in front.....very tired....but we will feel very satisfied when they understand what we've taught them...

the moral of the story.......we as a teacher must need energy!! ENERGY !!...and a good imunisation system......huhuhu....till cough does not release yet....

if we are not strong....we cannot handle the class to the fullest... AND
if we are not have a good imunisation system, if we get's very hard for us to recover ...and if we are sick, how about the children???....who are going to teach them????.....


Saturday, October 18, 2008


Dear friends...

2 months until now, being a teacher in primary school truly give me a lot of experiences...everyday i face different challenges and's not easy to be a teacher....although i took an education course in UM, i still need guidance to solve the problems faced...alhamdulillah...all teachers in my school always give me support and guidance when i asked them...

Along this way...after classes...i go to teachers' room and straightly story to my friends what i have done in class...because i felt so stress and failed to control the class....YEAR 1, YEAR 2 and YEAR's my new experience because i have to teach children that i not used to it....

i always felt sad ....i felt my blood pressure increased!!...i touch my chest....dup dap dup dap....because in class i have to shout to control the class....i pinched the students who did not pay attention and what so ever....huhuhu...

But after sharing with my friends....i felt,that's why i hope all the teachers out there can also share ur experience release your tensions or maybe can share good tips in controlling class and whatever needed..ok!!