Saturday, October 18, 2008


Dear friends...

2 months until now, being a teacher in primary school truly give me a lot of experiences...everyday i face different challenges and's not easy to be a teacher....although i took an education course in UM, i still need guidance to solve the problems faced...alhamdulillah...all teachers in my school always give me support and guidance when i asked them...

Along this way...after classes...i go to teachers' room and straightly story to my friends what i have done in class...because i felt so stress and failed to control the class....YEAR 1, YEAR 2 and YEAR's my new experience because i have to teach children that i not used to it....

i always felt sad ....i felt my blood pressure increased!!...i touch my chest....dup dap dup dap....because in class i have to shout to control the class....i pinched the students who did not pay attention and what so ever....huhuhu...

But after sharing with my friends....i felt,that's why i hope all the teachers out there can also share ur experience release your tensions or maybe can share good tips in controlling class and whatever needed..ok!!

1 comment:

Teacher Oh Teacher said...

Nak tulis dalam BM pun ok...dalam bi ni sesaje jer....nak improveee!!