Friday, January 29, 2010

Rupa2 nya...................

la...ingat den sorang je yg x update blog..rupa2nya kawan2 laen pun jarang update yer...almaklumlah sibuk n skang ni dah de facebook kan... to me is a space to save memory in life,to expess our feelings and of course to share with friends...

now i want to share about the experience as a new mother...from the financial part..that we have to take note :

1- pay for mengurut, bertungku (nowadays rm 30/day- at least 10 days)
2- feast for the baby (aqiqah)
3-baby stuffs (especially pampers and formulated milk)
4-medication for mother in pantang(product for or body)

so,be prepared ok

1 comment:

Arniwaty Abdullah said...

kak zati..oraitlah tu rm30 per day..kakak arni kn rm50 per day kat cni...

seronok sgt tgk anak k.zati..msti k.zati ke sana ke mari ,kan..he..

now..kak ti dah jd iron lady..yea...=)